Lane’s List
Up-to-date information, training and opportunities for UK playwrights, delivered direct to your inbox weekly.
What is Lane’s List?
Lane’s List is a weekly email service for playwrights, consolidating opportunities and information from across the country. Indexed by region and offering a realistic picture of the industry week-by-week, it includes:
• submission opportunities
• commissions and writers wanted
• awards, competitions and bursaries
• interviews with theatre professionals
• workshops and writing groups
• industry events
Lane’s List builds greater connectivity between playwrights and their industry.
It makes visible the broad range of information and knowledge that’s out there for writers, clarifying potential pathways towards support, development and creative ways of approaching employment as a playwright.
I think Lane’s List is fantastic… so much work goes into it. I look forward to scouring the list when it lands in my inbox.
I appreciate the amazing way you dredge up all sorts of opportunities I’ve missed… it keeps me on the ball and motivated to keep writing as ‘you never know’ if that opportunity might be The One.
I still find Lane’s List completely indispensable.
Why do I need it?
So that you’re not writing in a vacuum. Plays aren’t produced in a vacuum either.
Producers and companies have a constant ear on their audiences, and the rapidly-developing platforms through which theatre is experienced – live, online, immersive, digitally.
The weekly digest from Lane’s List reflects the industry back at writers, encouraging them to seek out and design their own career paths.
Writers increasingly need to build relationships within their industry to get ahead, making themselves and their work visible to others, creating their own networks and seeking out the training they need most. Those with diverse skills and an adaptable outlook are the ones most likely to sustain their careers.
Lane’s List gathers information and offers motivation to take charge of your writing.
Yours is the most helpful and most professional mailing list I have joined.
I think you’ve created a marvellous and important resource here – you’ve made a real difference I think. It’s grass-roots and honest and about writers taking control and not being told what and how and where by administrators and organisations.
I’m a long-time subscriber to the newsletter and it’s one of the best things to appear in my inbox each week.
How much information does the list give me?
In its first year Lane’s List sent out over 1,000 items to playwrights comprising:
– 160 Submission Opportunities
– 55 Awards and Competitions
– 210 Workshops
– 90 Bursaries and Paid Development Opportunities
– 59 Events
– 331 Industry Articles
– 100 Jobs
Lane’s List helped me tremendously. I submitted a draft to the International Playwriting Festival, which was picked up by the judge. I was also selected as a workshop member in Bootcamp in Bulgaria. Most importantly, I’ve been more and more convinced that I am a writer.
Thank you David for all these newsletters. They are incredible.
It’s a real goldmine of writing opportunities and I thoroughly enjoy spending fifteen minutes on a Thursday morning having a look through, and keeping up with what’s going on in the wonderful world of new writing.
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£3 per month
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£30 per year - BEST VALUE OPTION
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Who writes this?
Lane’s List is compiled by playwright and dramaturg David Lane. Formerly the Literary Assistant at Soho Theatre, he is now based in Bristol and has worked freelance in new writing for the last eighteen years, running writer development schemes with regional theatres, writing over twenty commissions for adults and young audiences, and supporting companies, solo artists and playwrights at all levels.
David is an Associate Lecturer on the MA Writing for Performance at Goldsmiths College and the author of Contemporary British Drama.

Is Lane’s List just for playwrights?
Yes – but I’ll also throw in a few bits and pieces about wider industry issues and the occasional radio, TV and screenwriting opportunity with mainstream broadcasters such as the BBC and Channel 4.
Why is this a paid service?
Read this if you want more information about why Lane’s List is a paid service.
Can I send you things to publicise?
You can send me anything that fits within the list above, but I don’t publicise people’s shows or readings as then I’d be a one-man marketing agency for nearly three hundred playwrights and wouldn’t have a life.
How does the subscription work?
You will remain subscribed to Lane’s List on a rolling monthly/annual basis, unless you cancel your subscription.
Not sure?
I know times can be rough and money can be tight. If you’d like to try before you buy, you can sign up for a free copy of Lane’s List here.